Júlia Tygel: Brazilian Music for Cello and Piano

(see the English version below)

Hoje, 2 de junho, às 7h30 pm, a pianista brasileira Júlia Tygel se apresenta no Tenri Cultural Institute, perto da Union Square (43A W13th Street). A entrada é franca com direito a coquetel no fim da noite, com caipirinha e pão de queijo. No repertório, canções de Tom Jobim, Edu Lobo, Chico Buarque, além de composições próprias em arranjos mais eruditos para piano e violoncelo, tocado por Jody Redhage. O trabalho faz parte do seu primeiro CD.



Tonight, June 2nd, at 7:30 pm, the brazilian pianist Júlia Tygel will play at Tenri Cultural Institute, close to Union Square (43 W 13th Street). It is free entrance and at the end, people will enjoy a cocktail with Caipirinhas and Pão de Queijo. You are gonna listen her own repertoire as well as Tom Jobin, Edu Lobo, Chico Buarque, with Jody Redhage playin cello. It is part of her new CD.


Saturday – June 2 – 7:30pm – free admission

Tenri Cultural Institute of New York

43A West 13th Street

(212) 645 2800


Júlia Tygel is a young Brazilian pianist and composer, currently based in New York as a Fulbright PhD visiting research scholar. In 2011 she recorded her first CD, “Júlia Tygel – Entremeados”, supported by her home town’s cultural department and produced by pianist Benjamim Taubkin. She has been performing this repertory at important venues dedicated to instrumental music in Sao Paulo and abroad, being recognized as one of the most talented Brazilian musicians of her generation.

She teams up with cellist Jody Redhage, “”a new music dynamo…” (MusicWorks magazine) who recently toured around the world with 2011 Best New Artist Grammy winner Esperanza Spalding’s Chamber Music Society.

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