Gilberto Gil: Brazilian King of Music, by Diogo Zacarias

You can`t talk about Brazilian music without remembering Gilberto Gil. He plays and produces a mix of rhythms such as samba, samba-rock, reggae, popular music from Brazil, African music and rock. His long and consolidated career consecrated Gil as one of the most important musicians of all times. From creating Tropicália movement, back in the 60ths, to being the Culture Minister from Brazil last decade, he has always being involved somehow with politics.

Nowadays Gil is touring Brazil to speak with Kids from public school. It`s a government program named “Mais Educaçãõ” (More Education). Last April 88, the singer went to Campinas and played his favorite hits while he discussed themes such as the internet, politic, study and civilization, with kids from 6 to 12 years old. It was a blast.

The journalist and photographer Diogo Zacarias clicked some magical moments and shared the following and amazing pictures with us. Enjoy:


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