The Godfather of House Music Frankie Knuckles Dies. But His Legacy Remains Eternal.

  He is known for being the Godfather of House Music. The one who transformed the music in the beginning of the 80ths, in Chicago. But before that he added drum machine loops to Soul and R&B, back in the 70ths. Furthermore, he is a truly New Yorker, born in the Bronx. He learned most […]

Alberto Dias: From Rio to DC

(Leia a entrevista em português logo abaixo) It’s not often that DJs from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil visit the capital of the United States to perform at local nightclubs, but when they do it`s something very special and memorable. During the month of April 2013, Alberto Dias traveled to Washington, DC to bring us his […]

From the Bottom to the Stars: DJ Brad Piff

Recently being recognized for winning the ‘Monday Mix’ contest in New York’s Electronic Oasis blog, DJ Brad Piff has not only caught the attention of fellow New Yorker’s, but has also penetrated the ears of EDM music lovers throughout the world in more than 30 countries.  His style has a little bit of something for […]